The closing of Wilfeds of Cambridge
The closing of our Cambridge shop
The 3rd September 2024 was a day we’d been dreading for a few weeks - the closing of Wilfreds of Cambridge.
We’ve been at 9 Kings Parade for 11 years. Through many highs (& inevitable lows, eg Covid!)
Inside the shop was a happy place where every customer (including adults) left smiling from ear to ear! Unless they just tried our mega sour sweet challenge ha. Wilfred’s was a place that took adults back to their childhood, reminiscing of the good old days & excited children with our fun, unique products. It will be missed dearly, by many people I’m sure.
Sadly, In his final act before retirement, a venerable bursar from one of Cambridge University's constituent colleges used the might of his office to force our closure despite us previously agreeing to a new lease. We explored every avenue, but the decision was his to make & it was final.
So it is a reluctant goodbye to Central Cambridge now & thank you to every single person that has patronised our shop
A very unfortunate sequence of events. But we will not let this stop us on our mission for Wilfred.