About us

Our Why

Wilf was born in 2017, quickly diagnosed with Cruzon Syndrome • centred ground the development of the skull. 7 years down the line, 25+ brain surgies. Each undoubtedly saving his life. Some truly awful moments. Wilf is a fighter, he is tough - tough as one could be. Lovely with it, the light of our lives. Forever our inspiration.

Grandpa wanted a sweet shop. These shops needed a name & so Wilfreds was born!

Wilfred with Grandma & Grandpa

Wilfred with Grandma & Grandpa

Why Great Ormond Street Hospital is so dear to us

FaceValue at Great Ormond Street Hospital means the world to me and my family. The campaign supports research into Crouzon Syndrome, a condition close to our hearts because of Wilfred.

Great Ormond Street isn’t just a hospital—it’s a lifeline. Their incredible team works to improve surgeries and treatments for children with craniofacial conditions, giving families like ours hope for brighter futures.

By supporting FaceValue, we’re helping fund vital research and make a real difference for children like Wilfred.

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Cruzon Syndrome

5% of your purchase goes to our chosen cause

Caridad infantil del Great Ormond Street Hospital